Technological Innovations and Capacity Shortfalls - Euronaval Web conference

Web conference

Date: October 13, 2020 from 11:00 to 12:00


The FRS and the SOGENA (Euronaval 2020 organizer) are pleased to invite you to the Web conference entitled "Technological Innovations and Capacity Shortfalls", which will be held online on Tuesday, October 13 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. 

This is one of three Web conferences that we are organizing ahead of Euronaval 2020.

The Web conferences will be available for replay on the Euronaval and FRS websites from Monday, October 19.


  • Dr Martin Lundmark, Associate Professor in Systems Science for Defence and Security, Swedish Defence University


 (Re)Voir la vidéo de la Web conférence