The FRS-KF Korea Program on Security and Diplomacy, led by Antoine Bondaz, aims to improve understanding of the main issues on the Korean peninsula through the organization of conferences and the publication of interviews with leading Korean policy makers and experts. This program is not limited to inter-Korean relations alone and aims to address South Korea more broadly as a global power on the international scene.
The Korean peninsula is more than ever at the heart of Asia and the heart of the world. The stakes are numerous, from the North Korean non-proliferation crisis to the affirmation of Chinese power, maritime security and cyber security. They go beyond the purely security dimension, as South Korea's interests are now global.
In 70 years, the country has become a leading economic power and a strong liberal democracy. As a member of the G20 and the OECD, the 13th largest financial contributor to the UN and an observer state of the International Organisation of La Francophonie, South Korea is a key player in our relations with Asia. This is reflected in the "Global Partnership" signed with France and the "Strategic Partnership" with the European Union signed in 2004 and 2010 respectively.
This program is co-funded by the Korea Foundation.
Latest publications
Going nuclear: strategic and domestic considerations in South Korea
Web conference
December 3, 2024Decoupling or de-risking North Korea’s resilient isolation
Antoine Bondaz, December 20, 2023Isolation or integration? North Korea’s diplomatic network
Antoine Bondaz, October 30, 2023The Evolving Role of Europe
Book chapter
Antoine Bondaz,in The Political Economy of North Korea : Domestic, Regional, and Global Dynamics, Min-Hua Chiang (ed.), Lynne Rienner Publishers
, October 3, 2022Archives 2022
- Speech at the Korea Global Forum for Peace, “Implications of the war in Ukraine for the Korean Peninsula”, Antoine Bondaz, Note, September 29, 2022
- Perspectives on Korea-EU relations under South Korea’s new government, Antoine Bondaz (among the speakers), Video, June 2022
- Perspectives on Korea-EU relations under South Korea’s new government, Web conference, June 27, 2022
Archives 2021
- Coping With Natural Disasters: How the EU Can Support More Effective DPRK Disaster Management Mechanisms, Antoine Bondaz, Eric Ballbach,
38 North
, Commentary, November 4, 2021 - France in the Indo-Pacific: a credible strategy in the making?, Antoine Bondaz, Article, September 15, 2021
- “President Moon’s 'Berlin Initiative' is based upon three basic strategies: Peace-making, Peace-keeping, and Peace-building.”, Lee Jungwoo, Antoine Bondaz, Interview, June 22, 2021
Archives 2020
- Strictly enforcing sanctions without closing the door: France’s position on international sanctions against the DPRK, Antoine Bondaz,
Korea Focus, Briefing n°4 2020
, Note, October 23, 2020 - The international consequences of the adoption of the Hong Kong National Security Law, Taiwanese and transatlantic views, Web conference, September 30, 2020
- Conference : Breaking the deadlock in the Korean Peninsula, Xavier Pasco, Antoine Bondaz, H.E. CHOI Jong Moon, Dr. KIM Jina, Video, July 2020
- Breaking the deadlock in the Korean Peninsula, Web conference, July 7, 2020
- In Korea, information and communication technologies play a valuable part in the swift [...] of infectious disease prevention [...], Park Neunghoo, Jeong Eunkyeong, Antoine Bondaz, Interview, June 9, 2020
- One of the most persisting myths about Korean politics is that the North Korean issue determines the outcome of the elections, Antoine Bondaz, Interview, February 18, 2020
- Meeting with President Moon Jae-in’s Special Adviser, Antoine Bondaz, Hearing, February 18, 2020
- From critical engagement to credible commitments: a renewed EU strategy for the North Korean proliferation crisis, Antoine Bondaz,
EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Paper no. 67
, Note, February 2020
Archives 2019
- What is the role of South Korea and North Korea in Asia ? With Hervé Lemahieu (Lowy Institute), Hervé Lemahieu, Video, November 2019
- The korean peninsula between autonomy and dependency, Antoine Bondaz, Note, August 30, 2019
- France has been and will be considered as one of the most important countries in realizing Korea's policy toward Europe, Antoine Bondaz, Interview, May 28, 2019
- President Moon promised he would visit all ten ASEAN countries within his term, Antoine Bondaz, Interview, May 28, 2019
- Korean perspective on a partial lifting of sanctions to promote denuclearization, Dr Hong Hyunik, Video, May 2019
- North Korea's strategy of survival and development, Dr PAIK Haksoon, Video, May 2019
- It’s premature to say the market became the dominant mechanism in North Korea, Antoine Bondaz, Interview, April 5, 2019
- To guard against illusions and formalize commitments : what is at stake with the second US-DPRK summit, Antoine Bondaz, Article, February 26, 2019
- South Korea wants to play as initiator, mediator, and facilitator for establishing peace on the peninsula, Antoine Bondaz, Interview, January 16, 2019
Archives 2018
- Speech on the DPRK at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Warsaw, Antoine Bondaz,
NATO Parliamentary Assembly
, Speech, June 14, 2018