Recherches & Documents
The Recherches & Documents (Research & Documents) collection includes longer research work conducted at FRS, including by external consultants. This work has generally benefitted from external public or private financial support.
Latest "Recherches & Documents"
Archives 2022
Archives 2021
- 17/2021« Russia and the Taliban takeover »,
- 15/2021« Promoting “soft connectivity”: China’s standards-setting reforms and international ambitions »,
- 13/2021« Solidarity and deterrence in the Eastern Mediterranean »,
- 10/2021« The European Union between strategic autonomy and technological sovereignty: impasses and opportunities »,
- 07/2021« The future of strategic stability »,
- 04/2021« Nuclear deterrence in Europe: points of convergence, singularities and prospects for cooperation »,
Archives 2020
- 20/2020« A look back on KEDO: the European involvement »,
- 19/2020« French vs. Australian nuclear policies: convergences, divergences and avenues for cooperation »,
- 18/2020« 50th anniversary of the NPT: evolutions and prospects »,
- 16/2020« Decentralisation of command and control (C2) of air operations »,
- 13/2020« Why Russia’s alliance with China is improbable, but not impossible »,
- 11/2020« The German green party Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen and security and defence policy: pursuing a moderate line »,
- 10/2020« The challenges of nuclear disarmament verification »,
- 08/2020« The Turkey-UAE race to the bottom in Libya: a prelude to escalation »,
- 04/2020« French Nuclear Deterrence Policy, Forces, And Future: A Handbook »,
- 03/2020« What prospects for arms and missile control after the end of the INF Treaty? »,
- 01/2020« France and Nuclear Deterrence - A Spirit of Resistance »,
Archives 2019
Archives 2018
- 10/2018« Scalp EG / Storm Shadow: Lessons from a successful cooperation »,
- 08/2018« Nuclear diplomacy: a niche diplomacy for middle powers »,
- 06/2018« Beyond the Red Line - The United States, France, and Chemical Weapons in the Syrian War, 2013-2018 »,
- 02/2018« The Causes of Peace: The Role of Deterrence »,
- 01/2018« Iran’s Rising Strategic Foothold in Syria »,
Archives 2016
- 06/2016« Nuclear Weapons in Russia’s Approach to Conflict »,
- 05/2016« Is Nuclear Deterrence Morally Defensible? Religious Perspectives »,
- 02/2016« The Diplomacy of "Red Lines" »,
Archives 2015
Archives 2014
Archives 2012
- 04/2012« Pakistan’s nuclear programme: a net assessment »,
- 02/2012« Technology transfers and the Arms Trade Treaty - Issues and Perspectives »,
- 01/2012« Long Range Strikes in 2025 »,
To consult our publications prior to January 1, 2012, you can visit our web site