European programs

EU Non-proliferation and Disarmament Consortium

In July 2010, the Council of the European Union decided to create a network bringing together foreign policy institutions and research centres from across the EU to encourage political and security-related dialogue and the long-term discussion of measures to combat the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their delivery systems. The EU Non-Proliferation Consortium is managed jointly by four institutes entrusted with the project, in close cooperation with the representative of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
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Advice to the European Parliament

The FRS is responsible for advising the European Parliament's Security and Defence Committee (SEDE) through studies and workshops on major international issues affecting it. It carries out these activities in association with the following partners: Chatham House (United Kingdom), SIPRI (Sweden), CIDOB (Spain), ELIAMEP (Greece), HIIA (Hungary), GRIP (Belgium), MEDAC (Malta), and with the support of researchers Alessandro Politi, Christian Mölling and Claudia Major.
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The Hague Code of Conduct

The FRS is mandated by the Council of the European Union to carry out a series of activities to support and promote the Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation. This text aims to promote transparency and confidence in ballistics and space launchers. To this end, the FRS organises various conferences and missions, in particular to States that are not signatories to the Code. Details of all the actions carried out by the FRS within the framework of this project can be found on the Non-Proliferation Consortium website.
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This European multi-partner FP7 program aims to analyse good practices in evaluating programmes for the deradicalisation, disengagement and prevention of terrorist recidivism (e. g. jihadist), including in a broader international comparative approach (Europe-US). The objective is to provide practitioners with concrete, reusable good practices.
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This European multi-partner H2020 program aims to broaden scientific and operational know-how through innovative, ethical and effective approaches against different forms of radicalisation. This programme will start in the second half of 2017 and includes the implementation of pilot projects (Targets: non-radicalized, potentially radicalized, radicalized, individuals, families and groups).
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JOINT is a H2020 European interdisciplinary research project focusing on the European Union (EU) Common Foreign and Security Policy in which the FRS is involved. It combines research with public opinion analysis, innovative engagement with policymakers and proactive public outreach. It addresses the following question: How to make EU foreign and security policy governance structures more joined-up and sustainable in a rapidly changing and contested international environment?
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FRS acts as the coordinator of the European project entitled "European Ways Forward for Space Traffic Management", in short SPACEWAYS, which officially started on 1 January 2021. This project, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, will provide recommendations and guidelines to the European Commission on Space Traffic Management (STM), especially its international and domestic dimensions. To this end, the project will characterise and understand the current changing context of STM.
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The SHRINEs project, funded by the European Internal Security Fund, aims at enhancing the safety and security of places of worship. The main objective is to create an interfaith network aimed at raising awareness among the leaders of different religions about the risks and threats facing the sites that they manage, and informing them about the technologies that can address such risks.
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