
One Europe, many policies: balancing EU relations with Taiwan and China


With Taiwan increasingly in the spotlight, European states face greater challenges in managing their relations with both Beijing and Taipei. Engagement with either side requires carefully navigating each country’s own “One China policy”. As China increases its pressure and more Europeans than ever interact with Taiwan, there is a greater need to understand what underpins the evolving balance.

This paper will explain why the words and symbols related to this policy matter so much and how to weigh the compromises that all European Union (EU) member states have struck. Some recent incidents show how language has real consequences for relations with China, international security, and economic interests.

Following a letter from the Presidents of the European Council and Commission stating that Taiwan’s representative office in Lithuania under the name “Taiwan” does not contradict the European One China Policy,Staff writer, with CNA, Brussels, “EU Slams China’s Moves in Taiwan Office Dispute”,Taipei Times, 21 October 2021. the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs reacted angrily that the One China Principle is the “universal consensus of the international community” and told the EU to “adopt a correct position”.“Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin’s Remarks on Joint Letter by Presidents of Two EU Institutions on Taiwan-Related Issue Concerning Lithuania in Response to Letter by Some European Legislators”, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC, 30 October 2021.…

Flying back from Beijing after a state visit, French President Macron made headlines when he remarked that Europe has no interest in an “acceleration” on the subject of Taiwan, arguing that the European Union’s strategic autonomy would be hurt if it had to “adapt to the U.S. rhythm and Chinese overreaction”.Nicolas Barré, “Emmanuel Macron : ‘L’autonomie stratégique doit être le combat de l’Europe’”, Les Echos, 9 April 2023.… As part of the furious reactions, The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board stated this would harm American support for Europe’s security.Editorial Board, “Macron Blunders on Taiwan – and Ukraine”, The Wall Street Journal, 9 April 2023.…

Although Germany does not maintain official relations with the Republic of China, as Taiwan is formally known, its education minister visited the island in 2023 to witness the signing of a cooperation agreement with the Taiwanese government’s National Science and Technology Council (NSTC).“A Historic Milestone in Taiwan-Germany Cooperation! First German Mi-nister Visits Taiwan in 26 Years to Sign a Cooperation Arrangement with the NSTC”, National Science and Technology Council, 21 March 2023. Although Beijing protested this “vile conduct”, Berlin faced no further consequences.Fabian Hamacher, Yew Lun Tian, Ben Blanchard, “China Protests ‘vile’ Taiwan Visit by German Minister”, Reuters, 21 March 2023.…

The sections that follow seek to explain the incidents above. The first part introduces the One China concepts used in relations with Taiwan. The second part explains the waves in which the One China Policies of the EU member states have developed. The third and final part discusses the practice in the space available within One China Policies and what this means for Europe.


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