Recent activity

Book chapter
Military Exercises: The Russian Way
Book chapter
Isabelle Facon,in The Russian Military in Contemporary Perspective (US Army War College, SSI)
, September 2019
Putin 4.0 Trends – Is there anything new?
Isabelle Facon,The European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats
, September 2, 2019
Note de la FRS n°10/2019
The end of arms control?
Note de la FRS n°10/2019
Dominique David, Isabelle Facon, Philippe Gros, Emmanuel Puig, Emmanuelle Maitre, Zacharie Gross, Benjamin Hautecouverture, Bruno Racine, June 2019
Countering hybrid threats: EU and the Western Balkans case
Isabelle Facon, Nicolas Mazzucchi, Jean-Jacques Patry,European Parliament, Sub Committee on Security and Defence
, september 2018 Audio
What next for Donbas? Ukraine's Security Challenges
Isabelle Facon (among the speakers), November 2017
Observatoire of Arab-Muslim World and Sahel
Russia’s quest for influence in North Africa and the Middle East
Observatoire of Arab-Muslim World and Sahel
Isabelle Facon, April 11, 2017
Russian Strategic Culture in the 21st Century: Redefining the West-East Balance
Isabelle Facon,in Strategic Asia 2016-17: Understanding Strategic Cultures in the Asia-Pacific, The National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR)
, January 12, 2017
Russia's Perspective on the US Pivot: Opportunities and Constraints in the Asia Pacific
Isabelle Facon,in Hugo Meijer (ed.) Origins and Evolution of the US Rebalance toward Asia, Palgrave Macmillan
, April 2015In the medias
In the medias
Geopolitical Russian Diplomacy In The Maghreb
Isabelle Facon (analysis),
Eurasia Review,
February 11, 2022
In Russia, France's Macron Tries His Next Charm Offensive On 'Cher Vladimir'
Isabelle Facon (interview),
May 25, 2018
Putin's Visit: Macron Seeks 'To Ensure Equilibrium' in Relations With Russia
Isabelle Facon (interview),
Sputnik France,
May 30, 2017