Défense et sécurité (2014-2018)

La FRS était chargée de conseiller la Commission Sécurité et Défense (SEDE) du Parlement européen par le biais d’études et d’ateliers sur des grandes questions internationales la concernant. Elle menait ces activités en association avec les partenaires suivants : Chatham House (Royaume-Uni), SIPRI (Suède), CIDOB (Espagne), ELIAMEP (Grèce), HIIA (Hongrie), GRIP (Belgique), MEDAC (Malte), et avec le soutien des chercheurs Alessandro Politi, Christian Mölling et Claudia Major.

State of Play of the Implementation of EDA's Pooling and Sharing Initiatives and Its Impact on the European Defence Industry

Étude / 10 juin 2015

This study examines the state of 'Pooling and Sharing' (P&S) at EU and Member State (MS) level. Instead of the demanded change in mindset, we witness another episode in the traditional struggle to make classic defence cooperation work. The marginal results of P&S are not yet adequate to the size of problems. The cooperation initiative misses definitions of success, useful models of cooperation and a permanent monitoring of opportunities and capabilities. MS make progress at a snail’s pace: many projects kicked off in the first phase of P&S are still in their early stages and thus do not deliver capabilities. At the same time, Member States paralyse efforts of the EDA. NATO has not performed much better. This underlines that the core of the problem remains the sovereignty question within Member States. The developments have to be seen against the simultaneous evolution of the European defence landscape: budgets and capabilities have been cut further. Member States have lost time and money but most importantly, they have also lost many options to safeguard capabilities through pooling or sharing. The European Parliament should encourage first, a new politico-military flagship project around which defence can be organised, second, an efficiency perspective towards spending and procuring capabilities; third, the discussion on the future of sovereignty in defence; and fourth, a European Defence Review that offers a sober assessment of the current and future European defence landscape, including the opportunities for cooperation. This would enable a public debate on Europe with or without defence.

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Towards a New European Security Strategy? Assessing the Impact of Changes in the Global Security Environment

Étude / 9 juin 2015

As work on a new European Security Strategy begins, this briefing examines the impact of changes in the security environment of Europe. It argues in favour of an ambitious new security strategy which, twelve years after the adoption of the 2003 European Security Strategy, is most needed in a degraded security environment. It looks back at the process and content of that document and identifies its successes environment since 2003. Mapping those changes, the report points at new threats and challenges and the changing nature of conflict. It also focuses on the and North Africa, which have challenged the assessment that Europe is not facing threats on its borders. The briefing presents an assessment of the changes in the institutional and political architecture of the EU in the post-Lisbon context, which is significantly different from the 2003 institutional environment. It emphasises the multiple tools the EU is using to develop its security policy. Finally, the briefing provides some recommendations for the process and the substance of the starting strategic review and future strategy.

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The Impact of the 'Defence Package' Directives on European Defence

Étude / 20 avril 2015

In its conclusions on the Common Security and Defence Policy, the December 2013 European Council stressed the importance of ensuring the full and correct implementation and application of the two defence Directives of 2009. The present study intends to provide the Parliament with an initial perspective regarding the state of implementation of the Directive 2009/81/EC on defence and security procurement (Part.1) and the Directive 2009/43/EC on intra-European Union transfers of defence-related products (Part.2). It undertakes a first assessment of national practices, through qualitative and statistical analysis. It identifies the complex points and obstacles, which, if not overcome, may well call into question the Directives’ expected beneficial effects.

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 Élargissement de l'UE, voisinage oriental, politiques du Nord, pays européens non membres de l'UE, EEE, Russie et Asie centrale (depuis 2019)

Pilote : Isabelle Facon

La FRS est chargée de conseiller le Parlement européen dans les domaines de l'élargissement de l'UE, du voisinage oriental, des politiques du Nord, des pays européens hors UE, de l'EEE, de la Russie et de l'Asie centrale. Les activités peuvent prendre la forme de brefs résumés et de longs rapports, mais peuvent également consister en des ateliers et des conférences organisés au Parlement européen. Cette activité est mise en œuvre avec un consortium de partenaires, composé du Conseil européen des relations extérieures (ECFR), du New Strategy Center (NSC) et de plusieurs experts indépendants.