Search by tag: Afghanistan
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NATO Briefs Series n°08/2021
Afghanistan in context: A “globalization” of NATO?
NATO Briefs Series n°08/2021
Delphine Deschaux-Dutard, November 2021
Recherches & Documents n°17/2021
Russia and the Taliban takeover
Recherches & Documents n°17/2021
Ivan U. Klyszcz, November 2021
Note de la FRS n°35/2021
Towards a jihadist neo-sanctuary in Afghanistan?
Note de la FRS n°35/2021
Jean-Luc Marret, September 2021
Note de la FRS n°34/2021
Financing the post-Kabul Alliance: the challenges of the reform of NATO’s common funding
Note de la FRS n°34/2021
Benoit d'Aboville, September 2021
NATO Briefs Series n°07/2021
Financing the post-Kabul Alliance: is “common funding” the new “silver bullet” for NATO?
NATO Briefs Series n°07/2021
Benoit d'Aboville, September 2021
Recherches & Documents n°10/2013
The German Police Project Team (GPPT) and the “capacity to do capacity building”
Recherches & Documents n°10/2013
Nicolas Fescharek, December 2013In the medias
Taliban size up the threat from a tenacious IS-K
Jean-Luc Marret (quoted),
France 24,
October 10, 2021
« Afghanistan’s Unraveling May Strike Another Blow to U.S. Credibility »
François Heisbourg (quoted),
The New York Times,
August 13, 2021